Specialty Non-GMO Corn Hybrids Provide Consistency and Performance in Foods

Specialty Corn

White Corn

Non-GMO and Organic

Identity-Preserved, Non-GMO, and Organic.

Yellow Corn

Non-GMO and Organic

Identity-Preserved, Non-GMO, and Organic

Indigo Blue Corn

Non-GMO and Organic

Identity-Preserved, Non-GMO – Exclusive To Clarkson

Waxy Dent Corn

Non-GMO and Organic

Identity-Preserved, Non-GMO, and Organic

Red Corn

Non-GMO and Organic

Identity-Preserved, Non-GMO, and Organic

Specialty Soy


Identity Preserved Non-GMO & Organic

Believe it or not, there are over 20,000 varieties of soybeans. Which one is right for your food product and your production? Clarkson has the experience, and the unique product assortment, to help you answer that question precisely.